Life & Umbrella
Spreading empathy, understanding, and love for Autism.
by Javier Red’s Imagery Converter
Life & Umbrella (2023)
by Javier Red’s Imagery Converter
Javier Red (Piano) Gustavo Cortiñas (Drums), Jake Wark (reeds), Ben Dillinger (Bass)
“alluring album, which combines almost cubist passages of shifting, sublime beauty with flashes of sudden movement”
“en Life & Umbrella Javier quiere sensibilizar sobre una enfermedad que toca a una buena parte de la sociedad, el autismo. Javier Red se deja acompañar por interesantes artistas como Gustavo Cortiñas”
“A musical journey into creative worlds”
“Through his daring four-piece ensemble, Imagery Converter, Red delves into the profound emotions he experienced upon receiving his son’s autism diagnosis.”Through his daring four-piece ensemble, Imagery Converter, Red delves into the profound emotions he experienced upon receiving his son’s autism diagnosis.”
“Life & Umbrella’ no es un disco fácil, está lleno de un dolor y de sombras, pero también, allí en el fondo titilando, la esperanza.”
“Life & Umbrella is a prismatic Rubik’s cube of interlocking and shifting rhythms and structures. It’s complex music to be sure, yet as played by Red, warm-toned tenor saxophonist Jake Wark and the alert rhythm team of Ben Dillinger on bass and drummer Gustavo Cortiñas, it unfolds with a patient clarity that draws the ear closer.”
“Drummer en componist Gustavo Cortiñas geeft de date een geaard gevoel en geeft vaak een gravitas aan de complexe structuren van deze muziek. Het meest duidelijk op composities als "This Is What They Found", leidt de drummer het ensemble door een steeds veranderend ritmisch landschap, diep groovend.”
“Projet ambitieux, casse-gueule, passionnant pour un bien beau plaisir d’écoute. Une perle rare!”
“Anspruchsvoller groovender Jazz und das höre ich in dieser Qualität auch nicht alle Tage. Javier Red’s Kompositionen und seine „Imagery Converter’s“ sollten wir uns unbedingt merken! Empathielücke mit einer wunderschönen Sammlung von Musik auf Life & Umbrella.”
“Con música sin ataduras a métricas conocidas o reconocibles, se trata de composiciones complejas y en cierta medida desconcertantes, que enganchan y nos precipitan a un abismo en el que debemos y queremos conocer el mundo del autista... El disco es extenso e intenso, duro, árido, música desordenadamente ordenada, libre de sentimentalismos y llena de crudeza y realismo pero sobre todo esperanzadora.”
“Cortinas' polyrhythms, reserved yet equally emotive…Life & Umbrella is a thoughtfully crafted work which is alive with emotion and inventive ideas. The seamless camaraderie among the members of this collaborative group, and their individual superlative musicianship, allow for a full and vibrant expression of Red's artistic vision.”
“The 12 compositions describe the emotions of an autistic child, his inner world and his daily life, as well as the way parents live this experience. Through music's unique ability to connect emotionally with others, I hope to help bridge this lack of empathy.”